Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Locks of love.

After nearly two years, I've finally cut my mop. It will be sent out to Locks of Love shortly. In the mean time get a laugh at my goofy mug with these fun before and after pictures! Also note my favorite shirt to wear when I go kiting!!(thanks brother)..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday night Gables Garage session...

Skating again?! Right-o my lovely readers.. Went to a nice lil' private garage last night with a rookie skater, who just so happened to have video recording capabilities on his cell. So without further adieu:

This has gotten me completely pumped for a whole new level of fun at other garages!
BTW if your thinking about getting into longboarding. Ride a loaded board. No other board begins to compare!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kiting Sunny Miami in the Summer...(some know it as waiting for wind)..

Got a kite session(and a half) in this week, made decent riding progress(I still suck) before my kite became inverted and dropped/spun into "fifth-line hell"(that extra line is for safety right?), forcing my trudge back to the beach to return the lines to proper working order. I digress, I did manage to "get-up" and ride for a few minutes both goofy and switch(I'm a goofy-footed rider) but was unable to set an edge; ergo no upwind riding, yet. Yesterday the good folks at predicted a 12-14mph afternoon at my local spot so I loaded up and hit the beach! pumped up my big Vegas kite and I managed my first self launch! One quick ride later and I found myself relaunching my very wet 18m kite only to have it invert(seeing a pattern yet?) and loop/roll into "fifth-line hell." well the wind was light enough to just haul the monster back to the beach, followed by the now customary re-rig. I just knew the wind was enough to get out there, or so I thought. Some pedestrians helped with the launch on this attempt, but once again the wind let up, the kite crashed from twelve o'clock landing just a few feet in front of me. It was time to give up; so head down, tail between my legs and kite becoming more frustration than fun I made my way to shore and set the kite to dry. As I coiled down my lines I heard a fire-cracker like pop as my center strut bladder had just popped. Great. One more reason I probably should have not bothered with yesterday. I've got to go fix that bladder, maybe there will be some wind next week. Tomorrow looks like flats fishing as the forecast is for 1-2 mph of wind, but of course I'll get out on the canoe only to have it be better weather for kiting than fly fishing.