Saturday, June 28, 2008

Garage Sessions..

Ever ridden a skateboard down a big hill? How about a parking garage? Well if you haven't surfed "the concrete wave," go ahead and put it on your list. Carving pavement and whirling slides(gloves recomended) make for an excellent event. Cruising and carving, or as-fast-as-you-can bombing; downhill long-boarding has seen a country wide surge in popularity. I'm stoked that the police don't seem to mind our late night antics! Unlike "aggressive" skaters who sometimes damage the obstacles they ride on, long-boarders like their spots, we even clean up a little. (On that I have to rant about picking up some random a-holes trash, STOP LITTERING YOU IDIOTS!) I've even read of some guys who called the cops when they saw some thugs tagging the walls of a favorite Miami garage! The biggest fear with new riders are high-speeds, the "wobbles," and learning how to stop quickly. Before you go, consider at least a set of slide gloves(homemade instructions are easily found online, several companies also produce them) a helmet and whatever other safety equipment you need to ride confidently. So next time your sitting around wonder just what you should do with yourself, grab a board, head to the nearest empty(or not) garage and give a go!

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